After Biden Rams Through ‘Dual-Track’ Spending – Lindsey Graham Accuses Joe Of Committing ‘Extortion

3 years ago 758

Joe Biden is trying to find any loophole in passing his massive, FDR-like socialist spending plan.

He knows he can’t get support from Republican senators and a few moderates.

So, it seems he will use the recent bipartisan deal to ram a “dual-track” method to get his plan done.

From Daily Wire:

The Senate is expected to create the text for the bipartisan infrastructure deal it just agreed upon, thus readying it for passage in July, concurrent with the House preparing its version. Normally, the Senate and House would conference and approve the combined bill, then send it to Biden for his signature before Congress recesses in August.

It seems Biden and his Democrats want to pull a bait-and-switch, promising to tie the two bills together and resorting to the nuclear approach. Despite his promise to be “bipartisan.”

So, Lindsey Graham is fighting back.

From IJR:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is not having it with President Joe Biden’s dual-track strategy following a bipartisan infrastructure deal…

“If he’s gonna tie them together, he can forget it!” Graham told Politico on Thursday evening. “I’m not doing that.”

The Republican senator continued, “That’s extortion! I’m not going to do that. The Dems are being told you can’t get your bipartisan work product passed unless you sign on to what the left wants, and I’m not playing that game.”

It seems like Biden, all along, was going to use the bipartisan deal to force his other spending plans.

He wants Republicans to sign off on the reconciliation bill, one that would ram trillions in new spending down our throats, before he’ll sign the bipartisan deal.

Graham is accusing the man of extortion. And it’s not hard to see why.

After all the hard work of coming to a compromise, Biden is willing to torch it by demanding the reconciliation gets approved as well.

So, Republicans will be forced to swallow a poison pill, if they want anything done.

But Graham is done with Biden’s games. He has made it clear that he will not go along with that plan.

A ranking, influential Republican like him could influence many others to join him. That would result in both these bills being DOA.

Now, why would Biden do this? Does he really think Republicans are so spineless and stupid?

I guess he’s about to learn that today’s GOP is ready to fight.

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