DHS Stonewalling Investigation Into Trump Shooting Attempt

20 hours ago 6
<![CDATA[The Department of Homeland Security hasn't exactly been forthcoming in response to congressional investigations under the Biden administration, to put it mildly. Many Republicans have been quick to note the obvious weaponization of DHS, particularly when it comes to investigations involving unequal enforcement of the law and "prosecutorial discretion." But in the wake of recent attempts on the life of Donald Trump, even some Democrats are showing signs of being fed up. Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut is the chair of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and he has been seeking details about the attacks from DHS. Thus far, he claims to have been stymied in his efforts, claiming that DHS has been "stonewalling" his investigation rather than assisting by providing requested details. Because of this, he is now threatening to break out the power of the subpoena to compel DHS to comply. (Just The News)]]>
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