House Passes Bill to Block Tax Credits for EVs With Chinese Batteries

1 week ago 8
WASHINGTON—The House has passed a bill to block consumer tax credits for electric vehicles (EVs) with batteries that involve Chinese entities in the supply chain. The legislation is the last of the Republican-led “China Week” that started on Monday. During the week, the House passed 21 China-related bills focused on addressing the threat to the United States posed by the Chinese Communist Party in two areas: technology and influence. The End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act passed on Sept. 12 by a 217 to 192 vote. Seven Democrats voted for the bill. The debate on the House floor centered on how to strike a balance between pushing more EV ownership to help protect the environment, reducing supply chain reliance on China, and ensuring U.S. taxpayer-funded credits don’t go to Chinese entities....
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