Inside NYC Mayor's Plans to Derail Indictments

3 hours ago 4
<![CDATA[In the midst of a hectic electoral season, one of the stories that continues to be seriously underreported is that of New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the federal corruption indictments that have swept up most of his administration at this point. Fortunately, Ed Morrissey provided us with some updates while I was on vacation last week, but plenty of details have continued to emerge. The barebones explanations offered thus far seem fairly basic. Adams' Police Commissioner and his twin brother have both been indicted for allegedly running some sort of protection racket involving the entertainment district. At the same time, Adams himself stands accused of acting as a foreign agent working at the behest of the Turkish government, fattening his own pockets while ushering through certain policies favorable to the Turks. What has been less obvious is the frantic work undertaken by Adams' legal team to ward off the indictments. Those efforts have not borne fruit thus far, but they do go to demonstrate just how insulated Adams felt, acting impunity as if he were simply above the law. (NY Post) ]]>
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