Kamala Blames Trump for Disastrous Afghan Withdrawal

1 week ago 15
<![CDATA[Over the past six weeks, we've all watched with a mixture of bemusement and horror as Kamala Harris has continued to try to completely erase or obfuscate her record and the various policy positions she's claimed to hold from time to time. These efforts have included flip-flops on everything from the border wall to a ban on plastic straws. But when it comes to her role while serving as Vice President under Joe Biden, there are some elephants in the room that are simply too large and too ugly to ignore. Chief among these was the disastrous and deadly decision to fully withdraw from Afghanistan in September of 2021. What could Harris possibly say about that debacle at this point to deflect criticism? As it turns out, even her handlers couldn't find a way to paint any lipstick on that pig, so Kamala fell back on the one reliable answer that she and Joe Biden have gone to whenever anything became uncomfortable. They decided to blame Trump. That's right. As Breitbart pointed out this weekend, she is seriously attempting to pin the blame on Donald Trump for something that happened nearly nine months after he left office.]]>
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