NC Legislature Approves Bill on School Vouchers, ICE Cooperation Mandate

1 week ago 11
The North Carolina General Assembly passed an omnibus bill that funds private school vouchers through the 2031–32 academic year and requires sheriff’s departments to notify federal authorities when illegal immigrants are held at county jails. HB 10 passed the state Senate 27–17 on Monday and the House 67–43 on Wednesday. Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, opposed prior versions of the bill, but the Legislature’s Republican majority could override a veto if he doesn’t sign it. Prior to voting inside the House in Raleigh on Wednesday, state Rep. Dean Arp, a Republican, said that in addition to the school voucher and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) provisions, the $1.1 billion spending bill provides more money for community colleges, K-12 special needs programs, Medicaid reimbursements, wages for jail inspectors, broadband improvements, and infrastructure improvements in various counties....
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