Now Melania Has to Defend Her Nude Modeling?

17 hours ago 6
<![CDATA[In the heat of a national election, it's not just the candidates and incumbents who get caught up in all manner of "controversies" and public debates, but frequently their spouses as well. Sometimes these discussions revolve around valid topics, particularly when the spouse is (or was) also involved in politics or potentially illicit behavior. But in other cases, we're treated to rather tawdry displays of cynical media backbiting in an effort to generate some cheap headlines and clicks. The latter appears to be the case with questions that recently arose surrounding former First Lady Melania Trump's upcoming memoir. Questions are being raised about Melania's nude modeling work and if that's an "appropriate" image for a First Lady to project to the public, particularly when it comes to children. As usual, Melania fielded the question with style and grace, asking those who question her former fashion career how it is that we no longer celebrate the beauty of the human body. (NY Post)]]>
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