Presidential Election Will Determine If Electric Vehicles Keep Surging Ahead

5 days ago 16
Electric vehicles are slowly gaining ground in the U.S. as automakers boost their range of offerings and stricter state and federal emissions laws come into effect. However, most car buyers aren’t purchasing EVs and remain highly skeptical of the technology. With the two major parties displaying significantly different views on EVs, the 2024 presidential election will play a significant role in determining whether the rollout will pick up speed or stall. Over the past four years, the White House and Democrats in Congress pushed ahead with new policies aimed at increasing electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the United States. The most consequential move, introduced in March, requires U.S. automakers and dealerships to make half of their new sales either all-electric or hybrid vehicles by 2032. Right now, the vast majority of cars sold in the country use gas-powered internal combustion engines....
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