Sen. Rick Scott on Being a ‘Man in the Arena’ | NTD’s Profiles of Service

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In this episode of NTD’s “Profiles of Service,” we sit down with Senator and former Florida governor, Rick Scott. Scott talks about what it takes to get things done in the U.S. Senate and his approach to leadership. “You don’t lead through dictatorships, you lead by having a great mission and a great team and getting people to have a higher purpose,” says Scott. He also shares about why it’s important to be “the man in the arena,” as President Teddy Roosevelt explained in his famous speech. “Profiles of Service” is an NTD News series that features the men and women who have chosen to dedicate themselves to public service. At a time of low trust in the political process—according to a recent Gallup poll, 57 percent of the country has “very little” confidence in Congress—we launched the series as a way to get to know our elected officials on a different level. We ask them about the challenges and rewards of being in office, why public service matters, and what inspiration they can offer the next generation of potential leaders....
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