‘THEY did this’: Alex Jones on Trump assassination attempt

2 days ago 6

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Not only has Donald Trump just survived yet another assassination attempt but we still aren’t even close to having all the answers regarding the first attempt.

“It seems like the left is pushing for us to just stop asking questions about Donald Trump’s assassination attempt,” Sara Gonzales of “Sara Gonzales Unfiltered” tells beloved “conspiracy theorist” Alex Jones.

Jones has a theory as to why the left believes it can get away with leaving the questions unanswered.

“We’ve all seen so much death and destruction. We hear about dead babies, 70 million abortions, keeping babies alive, selling their organs, big deal. There’s a desensitization,” Jones explains. “So that’s what happened with Trump.”

“This was a bullet grazing his ear one person dies, two are injured; there’s a total, clear stand down; the Secret Service lies to Congress. I mean, they did it, the Secret Service didn’t shoot the shooter, one of the cops did,” he continues. “They did this. They were planning to kill him.”

“That even boosted him more and made him so iconic, they hope it goes away,” he says, adding, “This was insane.”

Not only was it also the first time in history that local police weren’t allowed to sync their radios with those of the Secret Service but CNN was covering the event live.

“They hadn’t covered for a year at CNN any of his rallies,” Jones says, explaining that “they were going to get the Kennedy head blow-off situation to try to create civil unrest, blame it on right-wingers, and really bring in martial law.”

That didn’t happen, so now they simply want it scrubbed from Americans’ minds.

“They want to memory-hole it,” Gonzales agrees. “I don’t want people to forget.”

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