Taylor Swift Got Booed at the Super Bowl, and Glamour Mag is Blaming — Take a Guess

4 hours ago 3
<![CDATA[The core fact is not in dispute: Taylor Swift, a wildly popular singer, actually got booed at the Super Bowl. While other such incidents have been the occasions of heated dispute as to whether the boos were louder than the cheers or vice versa, in this case, both leftists and patriots have admitted that Swift got booed. Why exactly she was booed, however, is a matter of considerable dispute, and now the far-left Glamour magazine has come up with a theory that is as bizarre and ridiculous as it was predictable: it’s all the fault of one Donald J. Trump of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. If you didn’t see that coming, you’ve been asleep since 2015.]]>
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