The Left Never Runs Out of Reasons to Complain

1 day ago 4
<![CDATA[Even as the celebrations began on Election Night and carried through to the hangovers of January 21, everyone knew that Progressives would not go gently into the night. Yes, MSNBC, CNN, and John Fetterman made some perfunctory overtures, and at least one bro in the tech fraternity is trying to juggle a few olive branches. But we all understood that there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth. True to form, social media has yielded up a hellish buffet of pierced and panicked leftists, making threats and occasionally indulging good old-fashioned tantrums that would rival those of the heartiest toddlers on supermarket floors and in toy aisles. And yet, Progressives are still able to amaze us with the depth, or lack thereof, of their gripes.]]>
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