Top Ten Dumb Things Said...Friday, 01/31

2 hours ago 2
<![CDATA[No, I'm not going to turn into Casey Kasem, Rick Dees, or Ryan Seacrest, although I certainly wouldn't turn down the money they made counting down the big hits of the week every weekend. But thanks to the extraordinary opportunities provided by increasing alternative sources of media, the Trump administration, and Democrats who have no idea how to read the room, the river of dumb things said is flowing freer than water through California's Central Last week, I took the top 10 dumb things shtick to my Duane's World podcast, and it was met with rave reviews. The episode that dropped earlier Friday morning features my longtime friend and former Aftershow collaborator James Lileks to do color commentary. It's pretty spectacular. But there is a little crack in the proverbial floor where dumb things said on Friday, after the taping of the podcast, fall. And some of them are just too rich to overlook. Fortunately, Hot Air is a 24/7 website, featuring space with which to allow you to peruse them at your weekend leisure. So without further ado, here are the top ten dumb things said...Friday.#10FCC food fight over NPR fundingBendan Carr is going to be a terrific chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. Only a few weeks on the job, and he's already investigating both National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System for allegedly double-dipping - taking taxpayer money to keep running, and also running commercial advertisements. They can't have it both ways, and they're going to end up being defunded, if the writing on the wall is any indication. But one of the other FCC commissioners, Geoffrey Starks, is sticking up for NPR and PBS. Here's what he just said. ]]>
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